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Number of Teachers (historical)

By Year Teachers No. Teachers FTE Enrolment Student-Teacher (FTE) Ratio
2018-19* 9,674 9,456.5 120,604 12.8
2017-18* 9,553 9,253.0 118,962 12.9
2016-17* 9,334 9,026.9 118,567 13.1
2015-16 9,029 8,725.0 118,152 13.5
2014-15 9,151 8,820.2 119,383 13.5
2013-14 8,915 8,569.8 121,028 14.1
2012-13 9,206 8,876.4 122,643 13.8
2011-12 9,500 9,177.5 125,540 13.7
2010-11 9,742 9,396.0 128,131 13.6
2009-10 10,070 9,734.4 130,550 13.4
2008-09 10,064 9,757.1 133,134 13.6
2007-08 9,973 9,662.2 135,303 14.0
2006-07 9,919 9,615.7 138,661 14.4
2005-06 9,708 9,394.0 142,304 15.1
2004-05 9,581 9,267.8 145,396 15.7
2003-04 9,613 9,305.5 148,514 16.0
2002-03 9,592 9,275.6 150,599 16.2
2001-02 9,634 9,303.9 153,450 16.5
2000-01 9,752 9,443.9 155,873 16.5
1999-00 9,926 9,611.2 158,205 16.5
1998-99 9,913 9,620.9 160,011 16.6
1997-98 9,729 9,396.1 162,359 17.3
1996-97 9,712 9,384.3 163,941 17.5
1995-96 9,659 9,356.1 164,020 17.5
- - - - -
1990-91 10,684 10,417.4 165,739 15.9
1985-86 10,751 10,551.2 172,614 16.4
1980-81 11,016 10,904.3 185,585 17.0

FTE: Full-Time Equivalent

*  Enrolments include Pre-primary students, ECE educators are not included with Teachers. 


Additional historical information (aggregate data from 1960-61, 1965-66, 1970-71, 1975-76) available in 'Education Facts 2002-2003' brochure.