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Number of Teachers by Position (historical)

By Year Superintendent Director Co-ordinator(1) System Consultant
2018-19 8 15 73 90
2017-18 8 18 69 94
2016-17 8 17 75 91
2015-16 8 17 82 81
2014-15 8 18 84 93
2013-14 8 16 79 88
2012-13 8 17 76 109
2011-12 8 17 61 125
2010-11 8 16 67 136
2009-10 7 16 67 139
2008-09 7 19 82 168
2007-08 7 19 76 150
2006-07 7 17 79 128
2005-06 8 12 79 94
2004-05 6 15 74 73
2003-04 6 18 75 67
2002-03 6 16 69 66
2001-02 5 16 72 48
2000-01 5 16 65 35
1999-00 6 23 68 56
1998-99 7 22 68 38
1997-98 7 21 73 32
1996-97 6 23 59 63
1995-96 22 21 57 20
- - - - -
1990-91 21 26 118 34
1985-86 - Not Available - -
1980-81 - Not Available - -


By Year Principal Vice Principal Dept Head Teachers(2) Total Staff
2018-19 357 340   8,791 9,674
2017-18 361 333   8,670 9,553
2016-17 365 334   8,444 9,334
2015-16 376 331   8,134 9,029
2014-15 383 313   8,252 9,151
2013-14 380 301   8,043 8,915
2012-13 388 319   8,289 9,206
2011-12 395 347 129 8,418 9,500
2010-11 397 351 136 8,631 9,742
2009-10 399 356 144 8,942 10,070
2008-09 406 377 161 8,844 10,064
2007-08 404 367 160 8,790 9,973
2006-07 404 369 166 8,749 9,919
2005-06 409 363 167 8,576 9,708
2004-05 407 358 164 8,484 9,581
2003-04 411 353 166 8,517 9,613
2002-03 416 357 163 8,499 9,592
2001-02 426 355 173 8,539 9,634
2000-01 433 362 165 8,671 9,752
1999-00 440 375 170 8,788 9,932
1998-99 440 394 161 8,783 9,913
1997-98 432 392 155 8,617 9,729
1996-97 428 396 152 8,585 9,712
1995-96 432 372 146 8,571 9,659
- - - - - -
1990-91 474 377 272 9,383 10,684
1985-86 - - Not Available - -
1980-81 - - Not Available - -


(1) Includes Sub-System Supervisors and Co-ordinators.
(2) Includes Education Support and Classroom Teachers. As of 2012-13, also includes Department Heads.

Additional historical information (aggregate data from 1960-61, 1965-66, 1970-71, 1975-76) available in 'Education Facts 2002-2003' brochure.